Cinderella Panto – Open Auditions Are Live!

We’re looking for talented young performers to take to the stage alongside our professional star cast in this year’s magical pantomime, Cinderella!

Auditions are open to young people aged 9 and over and will take place on Sunday 8th September 2024.

Joining the Cresset Panto cast is an incredible experience. You’ll learn a lot about how a professional production runs, gain excellent stage experience and have the opportunity to work alongside experienced theatre professionals. You will also make great friends and have a lot of fun!

We are continually impressed by the amount of talented young performers who audition, and while we cannot offer a place to everyone, we are committed to making sure the audition process is a positive and enjoyable one.

Registration is now open – click the link below to find our full information on the process & how to sign up. If you have any questions about the audition please do contact us by emailing

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